When we face complex problems, we may feel that happiness and inner peace are elusive. Yet, the Bible has helped countless people to cope with daily pressures, to ease their physical and emotional distress, and to find meaning and purpose in life. The Bible can help you to be happy too.
4 thoughts on “Peace and Happiness”
(February 2, 2018 - 4:47 pm)What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? That would be The Holy One of Israel, The Holy Right Arm of Abba Yah, YahShua, the One who overcomes.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The King of Kings and Lord of Lords now commands god to come forward and show some identification. We must run a little Warrant Check against out Heavenly Database. We have a problem with Impersonation of Legal Representatives of the Divine Justice System on the loose. May we see god’s ID please? Just a technicality, We promise, if everything checks out god will be free to go.
What do you mean you don’t have ID? Ok, no problem. How about your Date of Creation? Or your HSSN? We can use any of that information to verify your Identity also. What do you mean you don’t remember any of that personal information? If you can not show Identification, We can not let you continue claiming to be a Representative of the Court you understand? After all this is not just circuit court. This is The Supreme Court. I AM sorry god, you must cease and desist until YahShua can verify your credentials and qualifications.
Shalom Suckers. Secret Society Brotherhoods DO NOT FOOL Him. Now be good little girls of god and listen to your sisters in Hellywood. “‘Time’s Up”.
John 3:21 is The Honorable Public Defender’s and The Righteous Prosecutor’s Plea Bargaining Offer. The Just Judge Highly Recommended YOU act immediately! His coffee is getting cold, We have a very full docket, and HE ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY HATES IT WHEN EVIL LITTLE MEN WASTE HIS BELOVED WIDOW’S TAX DOLLARS! OUR SWAT TEAM IS ON STAND BY FOR MULTIPLE FELONY BREECH! PURIM IS YAHSHUA’S FAVORITE DAY TO SHOW UP BIG AS IN DAYS PAST.
Will you show up on your own? Or must We revoke your bond and hold you until the trial? I AM doing a good job of explaining these mysteries in a way you understand aren’t I? I couldn’t think of any other way to explain Law to a “Nation of Laws”.
(February 2, 2018 - 4:54 pm)(Today’s VoD from BibleStudydotorg. All “they” or should I say “IT” can say in rebuke of Elijah.)
Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools. (What Ever Paul.)
He said: “The righteous person is rescued from trouble, and it falls on the wicked instead. With their mouths the godless destroy their neighbors, but through knowledge the righteous escape. When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices; when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy. Prv 11:8-10 Their feet rush into sin; they are swift to shed innocent blood. They pursue evil schemes; acts of violence mark their ways. Is 59:7 Whoever remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy. Prv 29:1
This Nation has had from at least October 5th 2012 (Cleveland D’s miracle), when YahShua’s servant served Her subpoena to Barak Obama, Pope Benedict, the Bishop of Baltimore, and a few other witnesses. They refused and she then later “had complications if Her fight with cancer”. The “conspiracy theory” named Jessica the nurse was caught red handed injecting “medicine” In to D’s heart port. Jessica was unfortunately struck with such extremely high levels of guilt and shame she “hung herself in jail while awaiting trial.” (No new tactics here)
So then YahShua sent another baliff to go and deliver a second subpoena and remind America kindly they missed their Court Date. She is hiding in the living room pretending no one is home. We have Inferred NVG, we know you’re home. This is a simple minor Felony, do they NOT KNOW RESISTING ARREST IS MUCH MORE SERRIOUS? DO THEY NOT KNOW WE WILL HAVE TO CALL IN THE SWAT TEAM? WE WILL HAVE TO BATTER OUR WAY IN!
Can’t they see We do not want to scare the Little Children Inside (A HELLATIAN LEVEL FELONY ADDED!?) Can’t they see We want no one to get hurt? (FELONY ADDED) Can they not see Righteous Justice, and A Fair Day In Court (you say), or A Gitmo Court (you sow)?
The Black Chariot (Zech), or Black Rider (Rev), (Same Man Riding) for dummies.
In his Right Hand he holds a Wedding Invitation, or a Staff, or The Water of Life. IN his Left Hand he holds a Subpoena, or ROD, or Covenant with Death! Pick ONE ONLY! The Mystery of the Man on the Black Horse, and in the Black Chariot, WHO GAVE THE RUACH HA KODESH REST.
Any Questions? “When?” you say.
That would have been October 2012. All the rest is and has been Grace and Mercy! Court is NOW in Session! The Righteous has asked for a Recess to Await Plea Bargaining and The SWAT teams to execute 666 SEALED ARREST WARRANTS. We will AGAIN SHOW YOU MERCY AND GRACE. BUT FOR HOW LONG ONLY THE JUDGE KNOWS!
Hear Ye. Hear Ye. Praise YahShua. Hail The Righteous. YahShua’s servant has spoken.
I still haven’t seen an answer from the Wisest of You for this question. Can you even answer One Simple Question from your lord?
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Honorable Public Defender has asked this Qualifications Question for His Protective Services. ” If My innocent blood was spilled for all mankind (USA) what gives YOU the right to spill the innocent blood of My Little Children, in MY FATHER’S NAME!? (One Nation Under God) Do you even want My Services?”
The King has spoken. The Righteous seconds the motion. Praise YahShua.
Are you Shepherds going to have these Felonies added to your file?
Obstruction of Justice, Tampering With Evidence, Falsification of Evidence, Improper Applications of the Law, Assault on an Officer (D) of The Courthouse, RESISTING ARREST, FELONY FLEEING, CHILD ENDANGERMENT, AND MORE TO COME. Keep the words of Paul coming girls. But I must say I can not LET YOU WOMEN TEACH. That’s how I will now use Paul out of context. Do NOT let that woman, blessed mother Rome, teach. Do NOT let that woman lady liberty teach. Do NOT let that woman Queen Elizabeth teach, she thinks her son is I am what I am and that’s all that I am. He’s Popeye the Englishman. And NEVER, EVER, EVER LET THOSE WOMEN ALLAH, HaSHEM, OR LORDE TEACH! They are Pure EVIL!
(February 2, 2018 - 5:07 pm)But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of YahShua. John 3:21 WJE
You must tell the truth and repent (as a broken clay pot) to know THE TRUTH.
If you walk in THE TRUTH He will show you The Way.
If you stay on THE WAY He shows you The Life.
Once you have THE LIFE you will find YahShua.
Once you find YahShua you can have The Right to The Tree of Life.
Once you have The Right to The Tree of Life you are One Like A Son of Man.
James The Righteous.
YahShua the God of James and Deborah will hear the cry of everyone’s children. Is not the greatest sound ever the sound of children laughing? At four years old do they care who they play with on the playground? There is YahShua! Did you listen to Cleveland Deborah speak? There was YahShua! Have you heard My Brother Jason Stevens speak? There is the voice of YahShua calling you to follow him. He will personally introduce you to Jesus of Nazareth, and even put in a good word for your forgiveness. There is John The Baptist and YahShua in the same man.
That is where you see Yah’s kingdom come YahShua’s will be done ON Earth. HalleluYah HalleluYahShua!
YahShua, I will praise you, for you accept my prayer to remove your curse from me. You have returned to me eyes that see and perceived You. You YahShua, gave me ears that can hear You. You YahShua made me understand The Most High. I have seen you O’Holy One and fell at your feet in shame. I later prayed back to you about how I, your Servant did not even deserve to be before your feet. Yet you would let your enemies be your footstool? “Let Me be your footstool O’ Ancient of Days” I said., “Do not even give Your Enemies that Honor! I will go for you. I will tell them You hear the little Children Crying and Praying”. I will remind them YahShua is God and can hear them ALL CRYING AT THE SAME TIME. He hears their pure and honest prayers, from their young and pure hearts. As Jesus warned you, you’re going to wish you used The Milestone on yourself, then when you see the Face of El Shaddai if you have harmed these little ones who believe in Me. They All Know Him! We forget how to listen to Him as we aged.
(February 3, 2018 - 12:12 am)I don’t know about common core math at Jesuit and Ivy League schools, but where I’m from, Ekron the city David slew Goliath, and a MAC school, we round 665.75 to 666 not 665. Is that a sign? Is that a wonder? IS THAT A HINT?