The Evil Crew of 32

The Evil Crew of 32

The Spirit of God says, “Who do you think you are. you who call yourselves Christians but further Satan’s kingdom? Woe. Woe, Woe, to you leaders who stand in the way of my agenda but call yourself mine You brood of vipers! My divine judgment is being poured out on the leaders of my United States of America and my Church You leaders, who want open borders, attack and pray against my anointed men and women sow division and strife among the people… you hypocrites! Repent! My righteous Judgment is falling now. You who indulge ,n the corrupt things of this world for power and greed. You who call yourselves leaders America’s leaders, yes even my church leaders, I will not only remove your authority and position, but some I will remove from the face of the earth Repent’ Before it’s too late. for my righteous judgment is falling on those that have mocked. deceived. and led my people astray. For many are about to find out what the Spirit of the ·Fear of the Lord’. and who the one true God is.”

The Spirit of God says, “Two will be taken and three will be shaken! For I will remove two from the evil crew of 32 and the other three shall be shaken to the core The 32 years they have altogether served and empowered that entity called Baal, and the covenant they had holding up his house with the 1lluminat1 and the New World order shall come crumbling down. For when the first one is taken it will be a sign that the New World Order shall die. When the second one is taken, i will be sign that anyone calling himself Mine but comes against my Israel sympathizing with her enemies will not be tolerated. The three that will be shaken will be a sign that no one is above the most high God not even those that hold the highest office in the land These among many others that have tried to exalt themselves above me and my law. will be exposed and imprisoned by me for the entire world to see. Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of my throne. Yes, even the Supreme Court will be shaken. Do not fear America when you see these things manifesting for these things must come to pass will clean up the darkness and it will usher in my light for I have America in my hand.

The Spirit of God says, “Why are those that call themselves my people pray rg against my President? Why are you praying against my agenda for the United States of America? Repent! You pray against my agenda. therefore you are not for me but against me. You pray against my agenda because you do not know your Father’s business. You pray against my agenda because you do not know Me Repent’ Stop listening to Satan’s frequency and tap into heavens frequency. then you will know the plans that I have for you

Post Author: John Harris

14 thoughts on “The Evil Crew of 32


    (January 26, 2018 - 10:15 pm)

    Mr Taylor,

    Please stop lying!!! You are giving the people a false message against America. For 70 straight years the USA has been killing anyone in their way, with no trial, no defense allowed, no solid evidence, no equal opportunity under the law, none of the principals of the rule of law this Nation was founded on.

    We reap what we say? Oh no, we reap what we sow. We, and I mean all of us, are about to receive the same treatment from God. We have been judged already you know. Jesus judged us before He left. Open your bible, doesn’t matter what version, to John 3:16. Now KEEP READING! THAT IS JUST A HEADLINE!

    Now John 3:19 THIS IS THE VERDICT, kinda sounds important to me. John 3:19-21 is our righteous judgement. The refusal to repent in the face of Tribulation (the angels harvest 2/3 rds for the fire) is the cost of men like YOU MAKING UP POEMS AND STORIES!

    You have a tough choice to make Mr Taylor. You can stay in your 5 minutes of fame, or tell the truth. You can keep the money you are making, or humble yourself and ask forgiveness for your “Strong Delusion” seared into your conscience with a hot iron.

    You will not be judged as severally as the Pastors you speak to, they should know better, but every single soldier that follows Mr Trump to war is guilty. You told them it was God’s will. What did God say to Cain BEFORE HE KILLED ABEL? THIS IS YOUR CAIN WARNING!

    Shalom my friend. Accept this harsh, but true rebuke. I only wish to spare the flocks. The Worthless Shepherds have dug their own tombs by refusing to read. I am not here forthem, only the sheep and goats.


    (January 26, 2018 - 10:56 pm)

    Mr Taylor,

    Please stop lying!!! You are giving the people a false message against America. For 70 straight years the USA has been killing anyone in their way, with no trial, no defense allowed, no solid evidence, no equal opportunity under the law, none of the principals of the rule of law this Nation was founded on.

    We reap what we say? Oh no, we reap what we sow. We, and I mean all of us, are about to receive the same treatment from God. We have been judged already you know. Jesus judged us before He left. Open your bible, doesn’t matter what version, to John 3:16. Now KEEP READING! THAT IS JUST A HEADLINE!

    Now John 3:19 THIS IS THE VERDICT, kinda sounds important to me. John 3:19-21 is our righteous judgement. The refusal to repent in the face of Tribulation (the angels harvest 2/3 rds for the fire) is the cost of men like YOU MAKING UP POEMS AND STORIES!

    You have a tough choice to make Mr Taylor. You can stay in your 5 minutes of fame, or tell the truth. You can keep the money you are making, or humble yourself and ask forgiveness for your “Strong Delusion” seared into your conscience with a hot iron.

    You will not be judged as severally as the Pastors you speak to, they should know better, but every single soldier that follows Mr Trump to war is guilty. You told them it was God’s will. What did God say to Cain BEFORE HE KILLED ABEL? THIS IS YOUR CAIN WARNING!

    Shalom my friend. Accept this harsh, but true rebuke. I only wish to spare the flocks. The Worthless Shepherds have dug their own tombs by refusing to read. I am not here forthem, only the sheep and goats.

    P.S. Now for you Mr Harris. Why are you lying about YahShua’s annointed? Mr Trump is not who all of you say he is. You may wish to put your hands on Jer 23 of your own bible, swear you are telling the truth, then read about the false prophets fate. Look no further than California these last 12 months, floods, fires, mudslides, and now one of the Nations worst flu outbreaks. Does that sound like blessings, or judgement?


    (January 26, 2018 - 11:13 pm)

    Mr Harris

    Would you please show me one single scripture where God is going to reward a sinful murderous Nation? Don’t try to use Cyrus, I know the truth, but any other where God says we may steal all the Natural Resources of any Nation we wish to plunder. That is what we do you know. We steal all the gold, silver, precious art work, and water and mineral rights.

    Now to one last example. Did the 450 prophets against Elijah think they were right? Did the two companies of 50 think they stood for Righteous Justice? Here we are again, 450,000 prophets of Ba’al telling stories about a love of mammon. One Renegade Hebrew Prayer Warrior standing between you, and all the gold in Ft Knox. Oh wait, they stole that gold too. I will continue to pray against the “so called” plan for America.

    Ask Mr Soros how his Christmas Holiday was. Did you know? Have you not heard? He said “The Hand of God has seized my neck.” as he fell over whimpering like a dog!!!

    The Illuminati is not the only secret brotherhood. Trumps Free Masons are of Satan, the Jesuit Order of Satan, Knights Templar of Satan, and the oldest Knights of Malta, of Satan. What do they all have in common? They all “claim to be” Christians.

    Wake up Sardis, the Unholy See is Thyatira.


    (January 27, 2018 - 12:10 am)

    Have any of you even watched Trump speak? You do know as soon as he lifts his hand to the 666 sign, every word between that and the next 666 hand sign is a code?

    I bet you did not, you believe the Trickster without even a confirmation in scripture. The Evil One has you right where he wants you. Worshiping wealth and prosperity. There is a specific warning against that lord or god in the OT. Notice I used little l and little g. That is the One Dressed As An Angel of Light! Can you find that warning? Remember Jesus Christ Himself said He did not come to change the Law or the Prophets. So that prophecy IS STILL VALID. How about reading more bible, and less books written by Cahnmen.

    Best of Luck with Moses and Elijah, they are the AntiChrist and False Prophet Rome has you wasting valuable time looking for. Come on man! If Gen 49;16-18 is the AntiChrist, why does he BRING JUSTICE TO THE NATIONS!!!!!

    Come on man!

      Celeste Hofer

      (March 6, 2018 - 12:52 am)

      I believe you are attaching God’s anointed. God’s ways are not our ways. He has chosen one who knows the Swamp and yet has not bowed to the Seamps god. He is obeying God and God is tickled with how it messes with our heads I think. God is amazing and loves His America.


    (January 27, 2018 - 1:20 am)

    Let me show you that there are ones you would call Devil Worshiping Heathens, yet they know more about the book of Revelations than all of the PHD toating Mega Pastors. All these different artists know what is coming, and what has happened already. Yet non of you claiming to be Holy Spirit Filled, Baptized with Holy Ghost Fire, Bible Thumping Pastors have a clue. Can you say STRONG DELUSION??????

    Avenged Sevenfold knows their Bible. What verses are ‘The Beast and the Harlot’ from? Who is King of Glory?

    Disturbed knows their Bible. Who is The Black Rider? Did you see “them” kill Blessed Hope? That would be in the Old Testament.

    Native Americans know their Bible. Look at what they are preparing for.

    Breaking Benjamin knows which tribe leads us into the Second Exodus.

    What is your excuse? Did you judge them without listening to the message? I think that is the exact same things the Pharisies did to YahShua. History always repeats itself. Hope The Vengeful One (which is Ez 7) has mercy on you. (Take out your strongs and look up “Violence” in Ez 7 and see it is from the Hebrew root “Violent One”.)

    Again, more bible, less Cahnmen. Im trying to save you my brothers and sisters. They (our enemies inside our churches) honestly believe Alister Crowley that some how they will be kept safe by their lord. Kinda like most feel we dont need to repent, but it was so important, Jesus said it twice in a row in Luke 13.

    Shalom. Purim is coming up in a year of Jubilee. You may want to get ready. We are NOT GOING UP. HE IS COMING DOWN!!! Purim would be the ideal time for Abba to call for the Gathering of the Remnant of where? The Remnant of Rome? The Remnant of ISRAEL!


      (March 17, 2018 - 6:47 pm)

      Amen Celeste! Our Father is so beyond the Box the religious put him in. Thank You Mark and the team of prayer warriors behind him. I have been so encourage to seek the face of our Father and pray a hedge of protection over our President, It is amazing the way he is playing chess! The enemies of God are angry that their evil controls of the masses is diminishing. James get in your closet and ask the Father in heaven to open your eyes and heart, don’t criticize the Lords anointed. He is doing something bigger than your education of the word you think you know. Don’t get so religious that you miss it. No disrespect here.


    (January 27, 2018 - 1:59 am)

    One last message for Mr Taylor.

    What do the skies look like in Orlando? Here in the Swamp they are HEAVILY SPRAIED!!! SPRAYED MUCH WORSE THAN TWO WEEKS AGO!!!

    I thought The Trump of gad signed an executive order banning chemtrails? It looks like he lied, or the USAF does not follow lawful orders BY THE Commander In Chief for the good of the people, or there are foreign Russian agents flying those planes, or there are other private Criminals In Action pilots spraying, or those are commercial airlines full of passengers spraying, or jet fuel has gotten worse in quality from 1978 on. My Grandfather is a Lt Col (Ret) USAF pilot, I have watched the sky my entire life as long as I can remember. The last one is total BS like your prophecies. The condensation trails quickly evaporated.

    Do you trust words or actions Mr Taylor? If you trust words Mr Taylor, I have the only beach front property in all of Alachua County. I will sell it to you for $50,000 dirt cheep, trust me, I’m a Cyrus too.


    (January 27, 2018 - 6:07 pm)

    As in the days of Noah.

    This is the part you all leave out and why I keep telling all of you America MUST STAND DOWN. If you don’t like NIV read it in your own QJV. Notice VIOLENCE. VIOLENCE. VIOLENCE. VIOLENCE. THEIR LOVE OF VIOLENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. 10 Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. 11 Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. 13 So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. Gen 6;9-13


    (January 27, 2018 - 7:53 pm)

    Mr Harris,

    Who made you God? You tell God’s children not to pray. You are ignorant to what God does if one is praying against His will. If God heard one praying against His will, would He not just ignore it? Are you positive you know Jesus?

    It is Satan who does not want God’s children praying for or against. You sound like John Hagee (Mason) when he played God and said “you are not Christian if you don’t vote Trump”. He was fulfilling the master plan of the Masonic Master. Their Master hates it when men like me stand up against his plan.

    Choice is an illusion in our elections. Your only choice is Satan’s servant, or the Devil’s servant. You all are aware we have a whole lot more enemies that one right? There were 70 fallen angels placed over the new 70 tongues. That is more than just one enemy. His name is not even what we say it is. Those are just lord. Have you ever spoken to a demon? I have and they all call their Master “the Lord”. Wtf? That’s right, THEY ALL CALL THEIR MASTER THE LORD!

    If God keeps saying we forgot His name then why would He have 365 different names and several different titles? These are the things that should make you scratch your head and ask why.

    So now my last point Mr Harris. You want me to believe YOU that the same God in the flesh that rebuked Peter for only wounding the Temple Guard is OK with us killing innocent children in Syria to get the imaginary bad guy. The same God in the flesh that rebuked Cain to his face before he killed Abel is OK with us killing every civilian in DRNK for the nukes Hillary sold them. Right! You wouldn’t know The Ancient of Days if He knocked on your door and spoke to you face to face.. Keep the false prophecy coming girls and I’ll keep the “climate change” coming. May the real Living God win. Did you see 2017 was the worst year ever for Insurance losses due to natural disasters? I heard they have to cancel National Flood Insurance because of it.
    I told them all my prayers would drain their wallets. I guess the Bildaberg group should not have let it slip they were willing to “expend every resource” to stop Yah’s new world order. You do realize Jesus is coming to establish a new world order don’t you?

    How did we get so lost Abba Yah?


    (January 29, 2018 - 2:40 pm)

    These are the kind of men YOU put your faith in. After fleecing the flock, and eating the choice meats, the thief who entered not through the gate, takes the money and runs.

    Can You Say Prophet of Ba’al????????

    Wakie Wakie Your All Fakie.

    Tom M

    (January 30, 2018 - 5:11 am)

    Message from all the. Prophets in the Bible was the same : Repent or Petish. Let’s hope we repent vs. perish.


    (February 7, 2018 - 3:33 pm)

    Haley continued, “A speech that indulges in outrageous and discredited conspiracy theories is not the speech of a person with the courage and the will to seek peace.”

    Cocky Muslim Diplomat Tells Nikki Haley To ‘Shut Up’ — Lord Have Mercy On His Soul.

    Hang on Uncle Ishmael, the G_D of James has heard the cry of your children suffering. Be still, put down your guns, HELP IS ON THE WAY.

    Just look at how Elijah turned General Winter against USSR. Look at how Jesus Christ marked the Beast with a 666 Dow Drop.

    The Righteous Grandson will pray YahShua have mercy. He will come and fight for us. I am sorry Auntie Hagar, Sara has sent me to beg your forgiveness. In a moment of weakness, she cast her servant out with a young child. We wish to beg your forgiveness and share our inheritance. I just need to drive the thiefs from my brothers vinyard and pass the scepture to Joseph. We will share, We are James and John seated at the left and right hand of Jesus. We are The Sons of Thunder!

    Shalom my cousins.


    (June 14, 2018 - 8:48 pm)

    I would like to know where I can find Mark Taylor talking about a “find” somewhere between Jerusalem and Rome. It has to do with finding the Ark of the Covenant, a stunning find! Thank you.

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