Prayer of Repentance


lf you would please join me and take your positions in a place of humility and a contrite

heart, laying face down, or in a kneeling position before the Lord. lf you are not

physically able to do this God will honor you right where you are with whatever you are

able to do even if you are laying in a bed right now.

Prayer of Repentanre

Father in the name of Jesus we come before your throne as your Army, with humble

and contrite hearts on this day of repentance. Father as we step onto the battlefield of

righteousness, we walk in a spirit of unity, with one heart, one mind, and one accord, to

disarm and take away any legal right the enemy may have over your people, and your

country called the United States of America. Father we decree and declare we will take

back what belongs to you,’through this act of target focused repentance that we are

engaged in.

Father in the name of Jesus we repent for not’having a humble heart, walking in pride,

having haughty spirits, and attitudes, thinking because we are in leadership we don’t

have to repent. Father we repent for not walking in a spirit of repentance daily and for

not discipling others to do the same, knowing that an effective warfare starts with target

focused repentance. Father in the name of Jesus we repent for engaging in friendly fire,

attacking others in the Eody of Christ, shooting. our own wounded because we may.not

agree with that person. We repent for our arrogance, mu.rdering others with our words

when your word says “thou shall not murder”. Father in the name of Jesus we repent for

having a religious, legalistic, and critical spirits, creating chaos, aiding the Kingdom of

darkness, and committing spiritualtreason by dividing the brethren. Father in the name

of Jesus we repent for not operating in a spirit of unity; love, mercy, and grace, allowing

our love to grow cold, and not showing the same love, mercy, and grace, that you have

shown us. Father we ask that you would healthe divide in your people, give us the

strength, the maturity, and the discernment to push away everything that is separating

us from you, from one another, and from operating as the one true army you have

chosen us to be.

Father in the name of Jesus we repent for having an intellectual knowledge of you, but

truly not knowing your ways. Father forgive us for the spiritual arrogance this has

created, operating out of our intellect, versus out of your spirit, honoring you with our

lips but our hearts are far from you. Father we repent for aiding the Kingdom of

Darkness and’committing spiritual treason by having an escapism mentality, taking

ourselves out of the fight and for influencing and leading others astray down this same


Father in the name of Jesus we repent for having a spirit of cowardice, always taking a

defensive posture and not going on the offensive when you gave us allthe power overall the enemy. Father ure decree and declare this day, that as your Army, w,e will go on

the offensive from this day forward, no longer in retreat, but taking the fight to the

enemy. Father we repent for taking ground for your kingdom but not leaving anything in

place to hold that ground, allowing the enemy to come back in 7 fold worse, only having

to fight harder to reclaim the ground that we freely gave away. Father u’ie decree’and

declare this day as your Arrtry that we willtake ground for the Kingdom of God and we

will hold that ground at all costs. Father we repent for not discipling people, and the next

generation, to hold that ground we have taken, and to continue the fight. Father we ask

in the name of Jesus that you would give us a spirit of courage and boldness with the

intensity that has never been seen in ihe history of mankind, to take back

and this earth for your klngdom. Lord Jesus you said we would not only do the things

that you did, but even greater things we shall do. Father we decree and declare that the

time is now for this to take place, we ask for greater power, and authority, to do the

things you have called us to do in these end times.

Father in the name of Jesus as your people we repent for not being the spiritual and

moral compass that you have called us to be, for this country, and the entire world.

Father we repent for being more concemed about the 4 walls of our churches, versus

the congregations, and the lost. Father we repent for being more concerned about being

politically correct,versus being truth seekers and truth speakers. Father wc repent for

walking in the fear of man versus the fear of God. Father we repent for staying inside

the 4 walls of a building, and not taking your gospel to the streets, and bringing in a

harvest that is ready to be gathered. Father we repent for allowing defilement in our

pulpits. Father we repent for allowing freemasonry, secrets, and homosexuality into our

pulpitS, and allowing its influence into your houses of prayer, and catling it ohurch.

Father we repent for allowing immorality into our pulpits and its influence into our

congregations. Father we repent for the divorce and the abortion rate in your houses of

prayer to be the same as the world. Father we repent for houses of prayer being in

covenant with that entity called Baal, thru that demonic contract called the 501c3. We

repent for taking a bribe for a tax right off, and staying silent for 30 pieces of silver,

opening the door for the demonic influence in our houses of prayer. Father we repent

for being incorporated as your houses of prayer, allowing the state and the government

to be the head of our ministries, versus you lord Jesus. Father we repent for separating

ourselves from you and your body. Father we repent for not ruling and reigning because

we freely gave up that right for those 30 pieces of silver. Father we repent for having a

slavery mentality, forgive us for not governing when instead wanting to be governed

over. Father we repent for staying silent while prayer was taken out of schools, and

allowing the enemy to come into our educational system. Father we repent for staying

silent while Roe vs Wade was passed. Father we repent on behalf of the Body of Christ,

the American people, the leadership and the land, fsr the atrocity’called abortion. Father

we repent for allowing these aborted babies to become the food source for Baal, and

allowing Baal to become the strong man over America. Father we repent on behalf of

the people, the leadership, and the land, for the child sacrifices, the pedophilia, and thechild sex trafficking that is taking place in our country on our watch. Father we repent for

taking that blood money from the 501c3 that even the Pharisees knew not to take.

Father we repent for the murdering of your prophets and the saints, for being drunk on

the blood of the prophets and the blood of the saints. Father we repent for sacrificing

your people on the altar of mammon, because we are more interested in money, big

fine homes, and cars, versus the sanctity of life, and speaking out on the issues that

matter to you lord. Father I now ask that the spirit of the fear of the lord would come

over your people now, and that it would bring your people to an everlasting fear and

awe of you. Father we repent for cursing your America saying she should burn, when

you wish that none would perish. Father’we repent for not speaking life into your

America to complete her destiny.

Target focused prayer

Father as we move into target focused prayer; we ask that you would remember the

good things that your America has done, from the spreading of your gospel throughout

the earth, to the blood being spilled on foreign soil, liberating countries so your gospel

could flow. Father America has never received her harvest, so we decree and declare

that Americas harvest is here now. Father you said that Americas harvest would come

back to her 7 fold what the enemy has stolen, so we decree and declare that Americas

7 fold return is here now. Father you said that America would be the hub from which the

end time harvest would be launched, to free the spiritually oppressed peoples of the

earth, we decree and declare that your will be done, to bring in over 1 billion souls into

the kingdom of God. Father we pray.for your leadership over this country, you’re Army,

and the people of this country, that a fresh habitation of your Holy Spirit would fall, hover

and brood over us. Father we decree and declare as your Army that as this Holy Spirit

habitation takes place that you’re America on all levels WILL BE turned back to you.

Father we pray for and bless President Trump and his administration, we ask that you

would give them the 7 fold spirit to operate in, the spirit of the lord, wisdom, revelation,

council, might, knowledge, and the fear of the lord. Father we ask for your protection

around president Trump and his family, we cover them with the blood of Jesus, we

decree and declare Zachariah 2:5 around him and his family, a wall of fire with your

glory in the center of it that no witchcraft, no voodoo, no hex, no vex, no word curse, no

power, no principality, and no demon in hell can penetrate. Father your hand is upon

this president and we decree and declare that he will not be impeached, assassinated,

or harmed in any way and that no weapon formed against him or his family will prosper.

Father in the name of Jesus we decree and declare that America will complete her

destiny that you have given her. Father in the name of Jesus we ask that you would

release your protecting angels to surround America, and that they would stand shoulder

to shoulder so that no evil can penetrate. Father we ask that America from her enemies

foreign and domestic. Father in the name of Jesus we ask that you would expose any

and all conuption in all levels of leadership in government, and in your house, and that

those who are corrupt would be removed. Father we ask that your divine justice wouldbe carried out against any and all corruption. Father you said judgment starts in the

house of the lord, we ask that you would separate the wheat from the chaff, separate

your true body from the counterfeit lord. Father we decree and declare that America will

prosper like never before so that your end time harvest can begin. Father in the name of

Jesus we ask that you would cleanse any and all defilement off of your people and this

land. Father the innocent blood that is on the hands of your people, we ask that you

would now cleanse us and your land, in the blood of Jesus; we ask that your blood

would wash us, cleanse us, purify us, lord. Father we have soiled garments; we ask that

you would bring us into that place of being the spotless bride you have called us to be.

Father we ask that as we enter into this end time harvest that you would bring in the

harvesters, Father we ask that you would give your true Army the warrior’s mindset,

never giving up, and taking the fight to the enemy. Father we ask that you would

increase the Army of Gods wisdom, discernment, power and authority to a level that has

never been seen in all of history, so that we can bring glory not to ourselves, but to you

and you alone lord Jesus. Father we pray for and bless lsrael, we ask that the

relationship behrueen lsrael and America would be stronger than ever. Father we ask

that you would protect lsraelfrom all her enemies foreign and domestic, and that she

would prosper like never before. Father we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and we ask

that a habitation of your Holy Spirit would come to lsrael. Father we pray for and bless

Prime Minister Netanyahu, we ask that you would protect him and his family lord. Father

we ask that you would give him and his administration the 7 fold spirit to govern lsrael.

Father we ask that divine exposure and justice would come to those that would try to

stop heavens agenda for America, President Trump, and lsrael. Father we pray for the

news media, that the corruption would be exposed and removed, and that the spirit of

truth would begin to flow. Father we pray for the Supreme Court, that you would reform

your court and your judicial system, and we decree and declare that this case called

Roe vs Wade will be overturned. Father we thank you for stopping the enemy’s timeline

and placing us back onto yours. Father we know that the earth is moaning and groaning

for the sons and daughters of God to come forth, so in the name of Jesus we command

the Army of God to arise and take her place, for there is no more time to waist. Father

you are our Supreme Commander and we are The Army of God, heavens invading

expeditionary forces. We decree and we declare that we will overtake, and terminate,

the demonic tyranny over the spiritually oppressed people of this earth, and now is that

time. We decree and declare that we will march together in unity, to victory and that the

victory is ours! ln Jesus name we pray amen.

Post Author: John Harris

21 thoughts on “Prayer of Repentance

    Daisy Joy Kuroha

    (December 22, 2017 - 7:43 am)

    Thanj you Mark. Shared this on our prayer call . Searching our own hearts

    Ingrid Messer

    (January 11, 2018 - 7:19 pm)

    I would like to join a prayer group for America.
    Can you direct me.
    Thank you.
    Ingrid Messer

    Scott Michael Colliver

    (January 14, 2018 - 12:33 pm)

    Thank you mark for this prayer i am from Australia and our path has always followed your country we are still in the grip of the same dark forces as America is breaking free of and i hope that our country Australia can free it self as well with the Lord Jesus help.

    Judith Edwards

    (January 15, 2018 - 3:50 pm)

    I want to thank you for pulling us together in one accord. We have got to start taking God’s work seriously and not be like the church of Laodecia described in Revelation, a lukewarm church. I plan to print out this prayer and share it with other prayer teams that I am part of! I think there will be things happen shortly that will cause fear in us here in the US but if we can continue to look at it as God’s cleaning up our country along with other parts of the world and keep our eyes on him, we will have peace and great joy even though many will be confused and upset.

    Donald Hakes

    (January 16, 2018 - 1:15 pm)

    I am grateful to have found this prayer of repentance today. May God Bless all of us who are praying for His will to be done.

    Rhonda Meahl

    (January 17, 2018 - 5:30 pm)

    How can my family sign up to be apart of the prayer chain for America?

    Rhonda Meahl

    (January 17, 2018 - 8:40 pm)

    How does my family sign up for the prayer chain for America

    Wayne armit

    (January 18, 2018 - 12:27 am)

    Praise be to Ywhw Yeshua”!

    jesus romero

    (January 22, 2018 - 2:23 am)

    I remember seeing the prophecies of Mark Taylor on utube tv. I think it was him, or someone, mentioned something about taking back territorial ground in California, because it is trouble, because of the political leaders that are running. I’m from New York City, and pretty much it’s like California. Can you pray that New York City will become a redstate, & that God’s army will gain territorial ground?There are lots of christians that are in this city, but I believe that they’re not doing what they’re supposed to. I see political leaders that are running this city like mayor deblasio, senator chuck schumer, kirsten gillibrand, cuomo. These political leaders are a disastor & yet, I’m wondering why are these disasterous leader, like deblasio, got re-elected? I believe the church here aren’t doing what they’re called to do. Pray that God will raise up God’s army in New York. Thank you.

    James Higginbotham

    (January 22, 2018 - 5:33 am)

    thanks for this prayer.
    and i pray for repentance and forgiveness from God in Jesus name and for my family also.

    Renee GUERRA

    (January 23, 2018 - 1:13 pm)

    please send me news leyter5

    Lydia RodEscobedo

    (January 24, 2018 - 7:40 am)

    Thank You for your obedience and for calling us together and pray for our country lets take it back and be in unity as He wants us to be. Blessing.


    (January 29, 2018 - 11:16 pm)

    Let me pass a warning and disclamer for those who “think” they want the Elijah Anointing.

    The One had to give up all these things in this order to carry his Cross Daily.

    My first loss was my younger Brother, who was the long distance athlete in the family, to heart failure just as I’m graduating College as an adult student with children. Now $35,000 deep in unforgiveable debt (AAB in CIS & BS in Industrial Management). But trust us they say, it will be the best investment you ever make.

    My father was first to actually push me away as he hates Jesus Christ. He wrote my out of his inheritance.

    Next, as in the garden, Satan attacked my wife, and she cheated as I work 75 hours a week to pay those loans. So I lost my wife next, and she took the kids.

    Because Satan had her, she kept the kids from me as much as she could. I lost my sons. My Father punished me by keeping in touch with her, but I was dead to him.

    Now i’m on the Radar of the Wicked Brotherhoods, so it becomes VERY HARD TO EARN AN INCOME. They do everything in their power to “fine you”, but at the same time steal from you.

    Next was my beloved Church in which I proudly served Him from their kitchen any chance I had. The message of an Elijah is hard for Pastors to swallow, so they throw you out of their (WHO’S?) house. They get tired of arguing Paul vs Jesus. Who is Ben Elohim, Paul or Jesus? They can not afford to lose their 501.3c tax exempt status for speaking out, so “he has got to go”.

    Next was a three fold eviction process that has cost me all my material possessions three different times. (They wont let you earn a living.)

    Next was my best friend, because he was a member of that Church. His little daughters, my adopted nieces, were then lost to me and they were my comfort in this storm.

    Then I moved to the State my other family lived in (now 1000 miles away from my sons) and ended up too Jewish for them all the sudden. I plead with my Mother, Grandfather, Aunts and Uncles, then my cousins. I beg them to read along with me because after all it was my Grandmother from that side of the family who was my example and gave me the Bible I use everyday. (I know she is proud looking down on me.)

    So now I am homeless again, in a town Masons built and they know I AM here. What would you do?

    My only prayer request from Mashiach, which He does not answer, is for someone to walk with. I remind Him even He did not walk alone. He says “Only My Greatest Even Can Walk Alone!”.

    So in closing are you sure you want to be Elijah?



    So now America, this is your Genesis 6:6-12 WARNING! You Uncle Satan, expect me to believe YOU that the same God in the flesh that rebuked Peter for only wounding the Temple Guard is Ok with us killing innocent little children as collateral damage “to get those evil terrorists” (We Armed). The same God in the flesh that told Moses “Thou Shall Not Kill” (Commit Murder) is OK with us killing every civilan in the DRNK for the nukes they built from the Plutonium Hillary sold them. RIGHT!

    Remember scripture says The Elohim of James/Jacob in Hebrew, will hear the cry of Ishmael’s suffering. THIS IS YOUR CAIN MOMENT UNCLE SATAN! THE DAY HAS COME, DOOM HAS BURST FORTH. THE ROD HAS BUDDED. A ROD TO PUNISH THE WICKED!


    (January 29, 2018 - 11:42 pm)

    Mr Taylor,

    If I were you, and I was scared the truth caught up to me, I would just say “Nothing New from Jesus.” If you still believe “they” have a place for you, have you seen it with your own eyes?

    I warned you it wont be as bad for you as “them”, they should know better. But I have pity on working men tricked into “their web”.

    Just like Cain, “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?”.

    Shalom. Yah’s kingdom come, YahShua’s will be done on Earth.

    Charlie Anthony Fink

    (February 7, 2018 - 9:56 pm)

    Please pray for us in Maryland, specifically in the Frederick, Maryland region; I live here in Urbana, MD and am hoping the best for me and others and the nation and also those around the world. I hope that my friend gets saved and that something can be done here in my life, I’m jobless pretty much and whenever I try to reach out to people for jobs around me they never get back to me it seems like. I just am hoping for the best and am hoping something can be done in my situation. I’m optimistic but life doesn’t seem fair (to me) at times, I know God is always good and just and does what is right but I believe and have faith that all the good things and my dreams will come true, they have before and it seems like they continue to, please pray for me: I’m Charlie Anthony Fink and my future and for my friend Kelly Nicole Haaf (from my high school)’s salvation. Thank you

    Barry Hall

    (February 8, 2018 - 5:19 pm)

    I have lots of comments on the topic of repentance. I have a big website about it and have been applying and developing materials for other people for 40 years. I am not trying to highjack this thread so if you want to know what it is you will have to ask. Am so glad to see the topic of repentance increase in importance.

    lazarus bethany

    (February 22, 2018 - 8:13 pm)


    Lou Willadsen

    (February 28, 2018 - 7:39 am)

    I signed up for Marys Prayer Chain and I never heard back from anyone . I have no TV Internet-( only for my laptop ) so I watch on my cellphone and cast it to my TV. It WORKS!! I SO appreciate when Mark includes ME in his prayers when he says, ” bless everyone who hears my voice”. I always pray right along with him.
    It is such a blessing. I am a ‘shut-in’ so I really do appreciate it.

    Rosa Wilson

    (March 17, 2018 - 8:00 pm)

    I rejoice in God and thank him for the prophetic gift given to you Mr. Taylor.

    I believe God is calling us back to him as individuals and as a nation.

    I beleive we must pray with repentance, humility, trust, obedience and thanksgiving.

    I m thankful to God for giving you grace to respond with a yes to intercede for America and Jerusalem’s sake.

    I unity my prayers to yours for this country, Israel and the whole world.
    Protection for Our President Trump, his family and Vice President Pence and his family.
    Fear not of retaliation, for the enemy’s lie is exactly that. satan wants us to beleive he does not exists and he wants to be afraid so that we do nothing, so if we do not do nothing, evil wins.

    If God is for us, no one can be against us. If we lose our lives then we are present to God and contemplate Gods precious face.

    We plead the Blood of Jesus on our family, finances and all what our live concerns with. We trust God, he is awake 24/7, He slumbers not.

    The Cross and the Word of God sustains me and defends me.

    If I am weak, God is my strength, if I m hungry His Body and Word nourishes me. If I m ignorant, His wisdom gives me knowledge. Go is our all in all.
    If I save my life I will loose it
    So I give my life entirely to Jesus, to use me as He pleases. I m His and He is mine, to give away freely.

    For now my prayer that I have prayed for a long time has been answered through you, Mary Colbert and the State’s prayer chain for the election of Mr. Trump.
    Mr. Trump and Mike Pence are a answered prayer.
    The victory belongs to Jesus is for Jesus and in Jesus for the Glory of God the Father, for Jesus came to to God’s holy will and to glorify His Father. In His Holy Name we conquer because He conquered.

    My prayer has been as follow

    ” Heavenly Father, I come before you, to praise you, bless you and glorify you, to give you thanks for your love,for your goodness and your Mercy, given to us in Jesus your beloved Son.

    And in His Holy Name oh God, I ask you to send the power of the Holy Spirit of Truth to this nation and to all the nations of the world, that You Father have created out of love.

    Send then oh Lord Thy Spirit of truth and remove the spiritual blindness of our hearts eyes, the spiritual deafness of our hearts ears and the spiritual hardness of hearts, and set us free to worship You and love you with truthful and humble hearts.
    In Jesus Name, Lord God and Father I pray, that we, be given grace to acept this gift of Thy Truth, whom is Jesus your Son whom set us free and leads us to You Father for He is The Way, help us Lord, to accept Thy gift of Truth of Life whom again is Jesus Him self, Life eternal and life to the fullest.

    Father grant us all then spiritual eyes to see Jesus, hear his voice and open our hearts to Thy perfect Love, Jesus Thy Son.
    Give us and all who call upon the Name of Jesus the all the Holy Spirit gifts, specially discernment of spirits so that we can, with certainty, know how to please you Father God and how to recognize the spirit of deceit and lies and reject the ways and attacks of satan.
    Help us to say no to his evil ways.
    Grant us boldness steadfastness and perseverance in our walk with Christ.
    I ask this, in Jesus Holy Name and in His name I thank you.

    Pamela Bauder

    (August 10, 2018 - 1:23 am)

    Sheila wanted to know the name of our church if they pray and talk spiritual warfare. Our church does. Eternal Hope Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada. She didn’t say where we should send it. If anyone knows, please let me know?


    (August 15, 2018 - 3:52 pm)

    How do I get prints of your messages?

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